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Meet the team

Our team all contribute to a regional network and strategy board on TB, led by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Public Health England team.

Clinical lead

  • Dr Ben Marshall, consultant in respiratory medicine
    Marshall, Dr Ben G

    Dr Marshall is respiratory consultant and clinical lead for tuberculosis.


  • Professor Paul Elkington
    Elkington, Professor Paul

    Prof Elkington is a professor of medicine, and an honourary respiratory consultant.

  • Dr Anindo K Banerjee
    Banerjee, Dr Anindo K

    Dr Banerjee is a respiratory consultant with special experience in working with patients with tuberculosis.

  • Dr Andrew Rosser
    Rosser, Dr Andrew

    Dr Rosser is a consultant in infectious diseases and medical microbiology.

Wider team

  • Supporting consultants

    We're also supported by Dr Sam Samraj and Dr Sangeetha Sundaram, consultants in sexual health and HIV and genitourinary medicine, and by the department of microbiology and infectious diseases here at UHS.

Nursing team