The respiratory tract is the system that allows you to breathe air into your lungs and back out again. Our cardiovascular and thoracic services, primary ciliary dyskinesia facilities and the respiratory centre all contribute to the diagnosis and treatment of the respiratory system.
The respiratory service provides a comprehensive range of easily accessible outpatient services to care for both local and regional patients, which includes subspecialty clinics.
We also have strong links with the Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit at the University of Southampton.
Find out more about the respiratory centre here.
The climate emergency is also a health emergency, with rising temperatures, air pollution and extreme weather events already affecting many people. Healthcare contributes more than 5% to the world’s carbon footprint, and the NHS was the first health service in the world to declare an ambitious target of becoming net zero, by 2040. Respiratory healthcare has a particular role to play. Please see these leaflets for more information.
Read more about plans to deliver a net zero NHS here.
![Greener Practice logo](/Media/UHS-website-2019/Images/Services/Respiratory/Greener-Practice-logo.xb761acae.jpg)