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Dr Matthew Harris

Dr Harris is a consultant neurologist with a sub-specialty interest in cognitive disorders.

BSc, BM, MCRP (Neurology)

Training and education

Dr Harris graduated from the University of Southampton with a distinction in Medicine and first-class BSc in Biomedical Sciences. He completed his specialist neurology training in the Wessex Deanery before working as a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at the Dementia Research Centre, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. During his fellowship he trained in the cognitive disorders clinic, recruited patients to clinical trials and conducted research into young onset alzheimer’s disease and identifying early biomarkers of dementia.


Dr Harris runs a cognitive disorders clinic where he reviews patients who have difficulties with memory, attention, language and behaviour, where it is suspected that these difficulties are caused by a degenerative process such as dementia.


A list of Dr Harris’ publications is available here

Further information on cognitive research studies in Southampton is available here


You can contact Mr Harris' secretary, Jayne Roe, by emailing or calling 023 8120 6783.