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Rheumatology: Bone mineral density scan for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis makes bones fragile and may cause them to collapse or break. These breaks are most common in the hip, spine and wrist.

Osteoporosis can be diagnosed by measuring bone mineral density of the spine and hip on a DXA scan. This is a simple scan on a dual x-ray absorptiometer (DXA) machine. 

DXA scans only take ten to 15 minutes, and you will lie on the couch while the scan takes place. There are no injections involved and you do not have to go into a tunnel. You do not have to undress, as long as there are no metal fastenings, such as zips or metal buttons, in the area to be scanned. 

DXA is very safe and uses a very low dose of x-ray.

Booking a DXA scan

Where appropriate, GPs and hospital specialists can refer patients for a DXA scan. We will send the results to the GP or consultant who arranged the scan.

You can also arrange a private scan at Southampton General Hospital. This costs £100 and you will receive your results on the same day as your scan.

For more information or appointments contact the osteoporosis centre.

  • C level, West Wing
    Southampton General Hospital
    Tremona Road
    SO16 6YD
  • Call 023 8120 4696
  • Email