Information for friends and family
There are lots of things you can do to help when a friend or family member with dementia comes into hospital.
Seeing the person
We know that everyone is different - please let us know how best to care for your family member. Share as much as you can about what helps them, what makes things worse, and tell us about them as a person. If you have a "This is me" document, please bring it in.
Eat, drink, move
We're keen for our patients to be out of bed and dressed in their day clothes where possible, rather than being in pyjamas all day. Please bring in some day clothes along with pyjamas, and well fitting footwear. Don’t forget a toilet bag and any shaving equipment.
It's important to keep to usual routines and activities as much as possible. Please bring in anything your family member enjoys such as a newspaper, book, radio, crosswords or knitting.
Legal matters
Please let us know if you have a lasting power of attorney or 'do not resuscitate' order in place. Please bring in the whole original document so we can take a copy for your family member's notes, and act on their wishes.
Help at meal time
If your family member can't eat independently, you're welcome to come in at meal times to help them, alongside our staff and meal time volunteers.
Leaving hospital
We work closely with Southampton City Council and Hampshire County Council adult social care. A social work team are based in the hospital and assess patients to help make sure they get the right care and support when they leave hospital.
Supporting you
If you're upset or need more information on your family member’s condition, let us know. Please speak to a senior nurse, who will have a dark blue uniform. They can arrange for you to talk to a member of the team or an Admiral nurse, and can tell you about the support available at our Carers' café.
We welcome your feedback, both informal and formal. Please complete the Friends and Family questionnaire and put in the box by the ward door (outside the ward) to give anonymous feedback.
If you have any concerns, please speak to the nurse in charge or ward manager so we can address it promptly. Formal complaint or concerns can be raised through patient support services.