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Give feedback on our services

We welcome all feedback, whether it's positive, or letting us know about something we could improve on.

Your first point of call for giving feedback is the team who looked after you. If you're still in hospital, you could speak to the ward sister or matron for the ward you're on.

For more options please see our tell us about your experience page or email

Friends and Family Test

When you leave hospital, you'll be invited to give feedback on your care via a questionnaire called the Friends and Family Test.

You can share your feedback of maternity services via our Friends and Family test survey online, please click here to complete the survey.

Fun facts

See our latest stats below:

Maternity experience survey opt out form

We will send you our maternity survey by SMS, if you prefer not to receive this message you can opt out here.

Patient advice and liaison service

If you have a question that can't be resolved by the ward team, or you'd prefer to speak to someone else, you can contact our patient advice and liaison service. They listen to suggestions, concerns and compliments, and can help you get a problem sorted out.

Find out more about PALS