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General genetics (rare disease)

A family history questionnaire is not currently required for general genetics (rare disease) referrals. Please include as much clinical and family history information as possible in your referral.

Genetics operates under a referral assessment service format, based at the Princess Anne Hospital.

For rare disease (non-cancer) referrals, GPs are requested to refer via this service ID

  • 7938285 Genetics - General - Rare Disease - Southampton - UHSFT - RHM - Triage

For non-GP referrals outside of the e-Referral system, please write to us or use the general genetics referral form. Where you / the patient would find this useful, please also find below a link to a generic family history form for completion to accompany your referral – please note that for non-cancer referrals this is a not a requirement.

We have developed care pathways for patients with a family history of haemochromatosis and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. We hope that these will allow appropriate individuals to be effectively managed by primary or secondary care.

A1AT deficiency care pathway
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