For health professionals - referring patients to us
All new referrals are triaged by a clinician. Referrals and advice requests may result in:
- a clinical appointment
- an advice letter being sent to the patient and/or referrer
- telephone contact with the patient or referrer
If you are unsure whether to refer, please telephone the department on 023 8120 6170 during office hours (8am to 4pm) and ask to speak to a member of the clinical team. We will be pleased to answer any general or referral queries.
Please see our separate pages for further information and advice about referring patients to us for cancer genetics, general genetics and for specific genetic conditions.
GP referrals
In line with national requirements, all referrals from NHS GPs need to be made using the e-Referral System (eRS). The UHS clinical genetics team will not accept referrals from NHS GPs outside of eRS, with the exception of GPs located in regions not connected to the NHS eRS.
Wessex clinical genetics service operates under a referral assessment service format, based at the Princess Anne Hospital. The three relevant triage services are:
- 7939141 Genetics - Cancer - Southampton - UHSFT - RHM - PAH - Triage
- 7938285 Genetics - General - Rare Disease - Southampton - UHSFT - RHM - Triage
- 7938300 Genetics - Familial Hypercholesterolaemia - Southampton - UHSFT - RHM - Triage
Clinically urgent and prenatal referrals
All GP referrals need to be completed via eReferral regardless of urgency, but can be flagged via email to (from another DCB1596 accredited account) or by calling 023 8120 6170.
For other professionals we can accept urgent referrals to (from another DCB1596 accredited account) with URGENT in the subject line.
For prenatal please use this service: 7938285 Genetics - General – Rare Disease - (Triage) - UHSFT - RHM – PAH
Prenatal referrals can be sent directly to our prenatal team at
We will either respond to the referrer or contact the patient directly within 2 days of receipt. Please make sure you have provided as many details as possible in the referral form about the pregnancy, the family history as well as up-to-date contact details. Include as much information as possible on the prenatal form. Prenatal referrals should be marked URGENT if advising by email.
Ward referrals
There is an electronic request form available on eQuest for inpatient consultations (under Consultations (2) – Medicine and Elderly Care) so please complete the required information and we will respond as appropriate. If your referral is urgent, please complete the form and contact us on 023 8120 6170 during office hours (8am to 4pm) to speak to a member of the clinical team.
Non-GP referrals (or GP referrals outside of eRS regions)
Send referrals via secure email to (from another DCB1596 accredited account) to remain secure or post to:
Wessex Clinical Genetics Service
Mailpoint 627, G level
Princess Anne Hospital
Coxford Road
SO16 5YA
Genetic test request forms
Request forms for genetic testing can be accessed from the Wessex Genomics Laboratory Service (Salisbury).