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HOPE programme

HOPE stands for Help Overcoming Problems Effectively. It is a licensed programme that helps people who have had cancer to get on with their lives. The course is free to attend and runs over 2 days, with a follow-up session around 3 months later. It is run by Macmillan trained HOPE facilitators who are either health or social care professionals, lay facilitators who have experience of supporting people affected by cancer, or volunteers who have had a cancer experience themselves.

The course focuses on rediscovering your inner strengths and resilience to help you cope emotionally, psychologically and practically. There are between 6 to 12 people on each course and time is spent in facilitated discussions, group activities, information sharing and ideas for you to try between each session.

Please see the leaflet below to find out more about how the course could benefit you.

This page will be updated when future dates are confirmed, or for more information please contact us by calling 023 8120 6037 or emailing

HOPE leaflet 2022
Size: 757KBType: pdf