Cancer patient and carer group
Have you or someone close to you had treatment for cancer in Southampton? We have and now we want to help improve cancer services - could you?
What we do
We meet every six weeks to:
- review policies and patient information
- give and receive feedback on patient services, including
- the quality of telephone answering
- the quality of hospital food
- patient waiting times, and more.
By joining our group you can have your say on the future of cancer services at UHS. You can also share your experiences and learn how the Trust is run and how cancer services are managed.
The Trust will pay for your travel expenses and parking, and tea and biscuits will be provided.
Contact us
For more information please contact Alison Keen, head of cancer nursing, by calling 023 8120 4520 or 07880 500813, or emailing
You can also write to:
Alison Keen, head of cancer nursing
Mailpoint 105
J level
Princess Anne Hospital
Coxford Road
Southampton, SO16 5YA