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Lung cancer clinical nurse specialists

Members of the lung cancer clinical nurse specialist team stood together.

The lung cancer clinical nurse specialist team is based at Southampton General Hospital.

As a nursing team we have expert knowledge and experience in supporting people with possible and confirmed lung cancer. We are part of the team of healthcare professionals involved in your care from when you start having investigations, through diagnosis, treatment and after.

What do we do?

As lung cancer clinical nurse specialists, we provide support, information, and advice throughout your care. One of us will be assigned to you as your key worker, working in partnership with healthcare professionals at Southampton General Hospital, local hospitals, community teams and GP surgeries. Our aim in providing this support is that you feel listened to, so we can understand what your values, goals and preferences are. This is particularly important when there are discussions around your care, so that you feel able to actively participate in any appropriate healthcare decisions. Our support and conversations with you are confidential, we want you to feel able to discuss your worries and/or concerns with us.

What support can we offer?

We can support you by: 

  • Giving advice and support during tests, after diagnosis and throughout your care.
  • Assessing and addressing your needs and concerns.
  • Giving you time to talk confidentially about any questions, needs or concerns you may have.
  • Providing you with current and up-to-date information about lung cancer and its treatment.
  • Giving you information and contact details of local and national cancer services, workshops and support groups.
  • Providing you with personalised information to promote your health and wellbeing.
  • Giving you and your family emotional support.
  • Talking to other health care professionals and services to make sure you receive the right care at the right time.
  • Making sure you have information about any practical and financial support you may be entitled to.