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Children's hearing services

Our team of audiologists see children from birth to 18 years of age for the assessment and management of hearing loss.

Children referred with suspected hearing loss are usually first seen in one of our community clinics.

These clinics are provided at three sites across Southampton:

  • Weston Lane Centre for Healthy Living
  • Pickles Coppice
  • Hythe Medical Centre

Children requiring further testing or management of hearing loss may then transition to our hospital-based service at the Royal South Hants Hospital. Babies referred from the newborn hearing screen are also seen at Royal South Hants.

We will initially assess your child’s hearing using one or more of the tests outlined in the ‘hearing assessment’ section. We will then explain the results to you during your child’s appointment and determine what happens next.

If your child is diagnosed with hearing loss, we may offer them one or two hearing aids, depending on their needs. For children with a profound hearing loss, we may offer a referral to the cochlear implant centre for a cochlear implant assessment.