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Friday 15 January 2021

Resumption of services at the New Forest Birth Centre

Following a review in October 2020, University Hospital Southampton made the difficult decision to temporarily restrict services at the New Forest Birth Centre. This was largely due to a shortfall in staffing levels which was a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This decision has been under constant high level review including regular discussions with commissioners. We are delighted to announce that all midwifery care services have resumed at the New Forest Birth Centre and expectant parents now have full access to their choice in place of birth.

A number of strategies have been put in place to enable the resumption of services, including the introduction of rapid COVID-19 screening for staff members as well as an additional recruitment drive.

You can get further information on the full options for both labour and postnatal care by visiting the maternity services pages or calling the New Forest Birth Centre on 023 8074 7690.