Hospital trust launches free to use wifi for patients and visitors
The service, funded by Southampton Hospital Charity, allows patients and visitors to do the normal things online as they would at home. This includes the ability to stream audio and video, access online banking and keep in touch with loved ones via social media and messaging apps.
Southampton Hospital Charity has invested £200,000 into the wifi project as part of its commitment to enhance patients and visitors’ time whilst in hospital. Jason Shauness, director of the charity, said: “One of our main aims is to improve and enhance people’s time at UHS as well as provide facilities to improve patient care.”
Matthew Hine, commercial development manager for the Trust added: “This will make such a difference to our patients and their families. The contribution made by Southampton Hospital Charity has enabled UHS to become one of only a small number of Trusts in the UK to offer free streaming.”
“We thank the charity and we also thank those whom have made a donation or contribution."
The service replaces the previous basic wifi and is provided by Hospedia in partnership with NHS Digital and the in-house IT team.
Read the full story on Southampton Hospital Charity’s website
To connect:
- Go to your wifi settings
- Select 'NHSwifi'
- Sign in or register to The Cloud