Your local NHS services have put together some useful information to help support you in staying well as we head into the summer holidays.
At this time of year the demand on the region’s urgent care system is high, so providers have pulled together a useful guide to help you find the right care and give some advice that could help you avoid the need for emergency care.
Hints and tips including how to stay safe in the sun, useful information on how to prepare for a trip away and how to self-care, including how to look after your mental health, are all covered in the leaflet.
There is also information on where you can find your nearest pharmacy or urgent care and minor injury unit along with mental health support services including where to get advice if you or someone you know is in crisis.
For parents there is information about treating common childhood illnesses with a reminder about using the 111 online service for urgent care that is not life threatening.
Information from the leaflets will also be shared on our social media channels over the course of the summer holidays that staycationers and visitors to the region can use to help stay well and choose the right service.
Please download the free leaflet here or, if needed in an accessible format, the information is available in a Word document here.