Education and training (radiation protection)
The courses and education we provide are:
Radiation protection supervisor (RPS) course
The course is delivered through the UHS virtual learning environment (VLE) system. The course material is available at any time and how you spend your time completing the course is up to you, but we recommend taking at least 1 day protected study time to complete the course. Most of the course is delivered in bite-size pre-recorded segments. It covers the essential core syllabus recommended by HSE, supporting information about the wider role of an RPS and some practical examples of radiation protection. There are also focussed sessions supporting RPSs supervising the use of diagnostic x-ray equipment, unsealed radioactive substances, and external beam and sealed source radiotherapy. The recorded presentations are supported by live MS Teams sessions with our team run four times per year. These cover common RPS scenarios and radiation risk assessments.
Please email us for details.
IRMER for non-medical referrers
This online course is aimed at nurses, AHPs and other registered healthcare professionals who are seeking to act as a referrer for diagnostic radiology examinations (x-rays, CTs, etc) at the radiology department of UHS or radiology departments in other trusts. This course is not required for ultrasound referrals.
The IRMER referrers course covers safety aspects and risks of medical radiation exposure, the law regarding patient radiation exposures and required employer written procedures. There is a fee to access this course for external delegates. Please email us for details.
Radiation safety (level 1) and radiation safety (level 2) - DR and CT, interventional and cardiology, theatres (x-rays), theatres (IORT), DEXA
We produce a range of pre-recorded courses delivered via VLE which cover radiation safety in a number of areas. These form a key part of the radiation safety training undertaken by a large number of staff members at UHS.
Laser safety training (including intense pulsed light sources)
We offer 'core of knowledge' laser safety courses for both medical and surgical applications and cosmetic and aesthetic applications. They are virtual courses with pre-recorded presentations and a virtual practical laser safety session. We offer a 'laser safety awareness' course for those who may work around a medical and surgical laser. We also run bespoke laser or IPL safety courses, which last up to three hours and can be tailored to your application. Please contact us for details.
Other courses
- Radiologists in training (FRCR part one)
- Radiographer teaching
- Teaching for STP, STP equivalence and Route 2 trainees
- University of Southampton undergraduate physics teaching
We also provide training in CBRNe, IRMER for operators and practitioners, radiation protection in veterinary practices, and radiation protection for sentinel lymph node biopsies (all in VLE).
For more information and booking details for courses, email
Meet our trainers
Ben Johnson
Ben is head of radiation protection group. He is one of the Trust's radiation protection advisers (RPA), the Trust radioactive waste adviser (RWA) and medical physics expert (MPE) for diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology and CT.
Fiona Wall
Fiona is deputy head of radiation protection, and re-joined the team in 2017 from Barts Health NHS Trust. She completed the Scientist Training Programme at Southampton in 2015. Fiona is a medical physics expert (MPE) for patient radiation exposures.
Cat Rivett
Cat is a principal clinical scientist. Cat re-joined the team in 2020 from Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, having started clinical scientist training at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust. Cat is a medical physics expert (MPE) for patient radiation exposures.
Ben Inglis-Smith
Ben is lead for non-ionising radiation protection and a certified laser protection advisor who joined the radiation protection group in 2016. Ben joined the team as part of the Scientist Training Programme and spent the following three years completing the radiation safety physics specialism.
Xanthe Hoad
Xanthe is a clinical scientist who joined the group as a trainee in 2019.
Other trainers who contribute to our courses are Benedicta Robert, Ollie Lawes, Shenade Gordon, Medi Powell and Lucia Vazquez Bonome.