Safeguarding children
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust has the responsibility for ensuring that the welfare of all children who come into contact with UHS is promoted.
We take the responsibility of caring for children and young people very seriously and have a process in place for assuring ourselves that our procedures for safeguarding this group of patients are effective and safe. The Trust Board regularly reviews the necessary arrangements for safeguarding children in place in the Trust.
We take a number of steps to protect children and young people including:
1. Recognised Trust leads for safeguarding children
UHS has the following staff in post:
- an identified lead for safeguarding and child protection who is a member of the Trust Board
- a named nurse for safeguarding and child protection
- a named doctor for safeguarding and child protection
- a named midwife for safeguarding and child protection
2. Training our staff
We require all staff to complete an appropriate level of training in child safeguarding as part of our mandatory training programme, and compliance with training requirements is regularly monitored by our Trust Board. The level of training is compliant with national guidance and standards.
3. Implementing safeguarding systems
The Trust has a comprehensive set of child protection policies which are up to date and regularly reviewed. The policies include a system for following up children who were not brought to appointments at the hospital or for who there are safeguarding concerns. There are separate policies that apply to the protection of unborn babies.
4. Checking our staff
We meet the statutory requirements for carrying out criminal record bureau checks on our staff and this has been the subject of recent audit and discussion at Trust Board.
5. Engagement with multi-agency partners.
Representatives from UHS are members of the Southampton and Hampshire Local Safeguarding Children Boards and there is close operational work with other health providers, children’s services, police and other agencies regarding children for who there are safeguarding concerns.