Children's emergency department
In the children's emergency department, we assess and treat children with a wide range of injuries and illnesses.
If you are unsure whether the emergency department is the right place for your child, call NHS 111 for advice. Find out more about other local NHS services on our urgent care pages.
How to find us
Our emergency department (ED) is based at Southampton General Hospital, next to the north wing entrance. Find maps, as well as information on parking and public transport, on our location pages.
Emergency ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles are the only vehicles permitted to use the access road opposite the eye unit.
All other vehicles (cars, taxis and patient transport) should use the drop-off bays outside the north wing entrance of the hospital. To access the drop-off bay, enter the hospital site via Tremona Road.
The nearest car park to the emergency department is the main multi-storey (orange car park).