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Dr Trevelyan is the principal investigator for a number of large multi-centre trials involving children with diabetes. All of these trials are seeking to improve our understanding of diabetes in childhood, and also to improve standards of care to ensure the best possible outcomes for these children.

Trials currently recruiting children and young people in Southampton include:

SCIPI trial

Trial of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion compared to multiple daily injection regimens in children and young people at diagnosis of type I diabetes mellitus.


To investigate two methods of insulin delivery to identify which one gives better diabetes control and to examine the impact of the treatments on other predictors of complications of diabetes, adverse events and quality of life.

JUMP trial

Recruiting children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes.


To look in detail at young people with type 2 diabetes to improve understanding of the natural history of type 2 diabetes.

D-GAP - Diabetes - genes, autoimmunity and prevention study


To further our understanding of what genes and antibodies predispose children to get diabetes. This will, we hope, ultimately help towards development of an intervention to prevent children developing diabetes.

ADDRESS-2 - After diabetes diagnosis research support system


To identify children and adolescents with diabetes who are willing to be approached to take part in diabetes research in the future. We firmly believe that through research our understanding of diabetes will improve, leading to improvement in care for young people with diabetes. This study quite simply is a way of collecting the names and contact details of young people with diabetes who would be willing to help with diabetes research in the future.