Accommodation for family members
As space is limited on ocean ward, it isn't possible to allow both parents or other family members to stay with children. One parent or carer can stay on the ward with their child. If you'd like to stay close to the hospital, Ronald McDonald House is a charity-run house for relatives and carers, and is a five minute walk from the ward, located on the hospital site. There's a non-refundable £25 deposit, but there's no additional charge for the accommodation.
If this accommodation is full, we also have Mellor House, which is a seven minute walk away. The house is provided by the Trust and costs £7 per night for each parent or £12 per night for other family members. We can also provide you with details of local bed and breakfast accommodation.
If you need help to book accommodation for family members, or would like to find out more about the accommodation available, please ask the ward clerk or your nurse for details. You can also find out more about staying in hospital with your child in our guide on staying in hospital, written by parents for parents.