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Follow up care

Once diagnosed with a food or other serious allergy, our children are looked after throughout their childhood.

Some families will need more frequent appointments, but in general, we feel that children should be seen at these key points in their childhood:

  • at 4 years old (pre-school) just before they start primary school
  • at 7 to 8 years old (year 3) junior school
  • at 10 to 11 years old (year 6) around the time they start secondary school
  • at 12 to 13 years old (year 8) allergy transition clinic
  • at 15 to 18 years old (year 11 to 13) before they leave school or start college.

Many children who are diagnosed with an allergy may have periods of several years without an appointment. Please contact the clinic for advice if:

  • You need advice about your child's allergy
  • You have a problem managing your child's allergy in school or nursery
  • You have a question about your child's rescue medicine or Epipen
  • You have a question about your child's visit to the Day Ward
  • Your child has had an allergic reaction
  • Your child has had a serious allergic reaction and used the Epipen
  • There has been a problem or accident with your Epipen

We try to run a service that is responsive to each family's needs. We rely on you to tell us what you need from your allergy clinic.

Young people's allergy transition clinic

Young people need to be able to effectively self-manage their food allergy. Responding to many parents request we have set up an allergy transition clinic for young people to attend independently.

This session is held with a group of young people with food allergy, age between 12 and 14 years. We explore the following subjects:

  • Avoidance of trigger allergens
  • Management of medication
  • Management of daily activities for example: shopping and food labelling, travel, socialising and relationships.

The purpose of the clinic is to ensure that each young person can manage his or her allergy independently. They need to understand risks and make informed choices. The nurse specialists, dietitian and consultant are there to answer any questions; and they can exchange experiences between themselves.

These are a few of the comments made by young people after attending the allergy transition clinic:

  • “I know now when and how to use the auto injector”. 
  • “I understand how to manage food allergy on holiday”.
  • “I feel more confident in how to keep safe from serious dangers”.
  • “I will not be kissing anyone who has just eaten nuts”.

After attending the transition clinic young people will be seen in the main allergy clinic as usual before their care is transferred either to the community or an adult allergy service.