National cancer patient experience survey 2024

If you have had treatment here you may soon be asked to take part in NHS England’s National Cancer Patient Experience Survey. The survey helps us monitor what's working well and what could be improved for future cancer patients.
All NHS patients who have cancer related care or treatment as an inpatient or day case in April, May or June 2024 will be contacted to take part in the survey.
Taking part is voluntary.
The survey will be carried out by an independent organisation working under contract to NHS England. They will use your personal details to contact you. They will only use your details to carry out the survey. These details will be provided by this NHS trust. Your personal information will be handled securely and confidentially. We will not publish any information which might identify you.
If you do not wish to take part, or have any questions about the survey, please contact or call 0800 484 0135. If you need this in another language, email the above address.