Waiting for your appointment
We will try to book an appointment that is convenient to you whenever we can, but this is not always possible.
When you are referred to us, your treatment should start within 18 weeks, unless you choose to wait longer, or it is clinically in your best interests to wait. This will be discussed and decided at your appointment with your involvement.
Shared decision making (SDM) is making sure that you can be part of the conversation with the healthcare professional at your appointment and that you understand the positives and negatives of any treatment options available to you. Decisions should be based around what matters to you, your beliefs, concerns, and expectations.
If you choose to delay your appointment or treatment, or cancel multiple times, this will affect how long you wait to be treated. Your doctor may also decide to discharge you back to your GP.
If you're waiting to hear from us about an appointment and are concerned that your appointment letter may be lost in the post, please contact the outpatient administration centre (OAC)
For information about waiting times please visit the guide to NHS waiting times on the NHS website.