Professor Richard Holt
Training and education
- MA, MB BChir - St Catharine's College, Cambridge University, 1983 to 1986
- Clinical training - London Hospital Medical College, 1986 to 1989
- The Royal College of Physicians MRCP, 1992
- PhD - King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1994 to 1998
- The Royal College of Physicians FRCP, 2006
- Higher Education Academy FHEA, 2007
Medical Research Council clinical training fellow, 1994 to 1998
Prof Holt has worked for the Trust since May 2000.
He completed his specialist training in diabetes and endocrinology in the south east Thames region. During this time, Prof Holt was awarded a PhD while working as a Medical Research Council clinical training fellow at King’s College Hospital.
Key achievements
- Leading the diabetes clinics for pregnancy, young adults and people with cystic fibrosis. The pregnancy clinic has undertaken innovative research which has informed both local and NICE national guidelines.
- Involvement in postgraduate and undergraduate teaching in Southampton. Prof Holt is also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- Editor-in-chief of the journal Diabetic Medicine
- Immediate past-chair of the Diabetes UK Council of Healthcare Professionals
- Contributions to National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Diabetes UK guidelines and position statements. He is currently working with NHS England to improve the use of language in diabetes care.
- An author of the highly cited Joint European Societies guidelines on the management of diabetes and cardiovascular risk in severe mental illness.
Awards and prizes
- European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Travel Award, 1995 and 1998
- Society for Endocrinology and Royal Society Travel Award, 1996
- European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Young Investigator's Award, 1997
- Society for Endocrinology Travel Award, 1998 and 2000
- HM Queen’s recognition of services to health and life sciences, 2004
- Diabetes UK Mary Mackinnon Lectureship, 2011
Prof Holt’s research funding exceeds £7m. He is an international expert in the links between diabetes and mental illness. He is also an expert in doping with growth hormone, and acts as an adviser to UK Sport (including 2012 Olympics preparations) and US and international anti-doping agencies. Prof Holt has lectured nationally and internationally on these subjects.
Prof Holt has published nearly 200 articles in peer reviewed journals, and is the editor of the Textbook of Diabetes and author of the undergraduate textbook Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes.
Information on Prof Holt's research and publications external link is available on the University of Southampton website.