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Patel, Dr Harnish

BM BSc MRCP (UK) PhD MRCP (geriatric medicine)

Training and education

  • Specialist certificate in geriatric medicine, Royal College of Physicians (UK) 2011
  • Academic clinical lectureship in geriatric medicine, NIHR (UK) 2011
  • Doctor of philosophy (PhD), University of Southampton 2010
  • Academic clinical fellowship in geriatric medicine, NIHR (UK) 2008
  • MRCP (UK), Royal College of Physicians (UK) 2004
  • Bachelor of medicine (BM), University of Southampton 2000
  • Biomedical sciences (BSc Hons), University of Southampton 1999


Dr Patel joined the Trust in March 2014. He has experience in the clinical management of older people both within the acute and rehabilitation settings. He has a specialist interest in the recognition and management of frailty and is developing pathways within Southampton General Hospital.

In addition, Dr Patel runs a comprehensive geriatric assessment clinic where older people from Southampton can be referred for an assessment and management of their complex needs. Within the community he cares for patients in west Southampton, covering the Shirley and Millbrook areas.

Dr Patel has led undergraduate teaching modules in appraising medical evidence and developed the undergraduate module in research in medicine and health which he lectures on. He also delivers seminars on sarcopenia, frailty and comprehensive geriatric assessment, teaches on the Wessex MRCP part two revision course and organises the annual acute medicine update day.

Dr Patel supervises a PhD student as well as previous undergraduate BMedSci students.                            

Key achievements

  • Visiting clinical scientist at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, Southampton since 2014
  • Project lead for the  acute frailty network and Health Education Wessex workforce and education development initiative
  • Faculty member of total nutrition therapy (TNT) geriatric, since 2013
  • NIHR ACF and clinical lecturer 2008 to 2013

Awards and prizes

  • Health Education Wessex workforce and education development initiative 2016
  • MEMOSA - multi-ethnic molecular determinants of human sarcopenia project research grant 2014 to 2016, Auckland Uniservices (Nestec)

Research interests

Dr Patel is a member of the interdisciplinary ageing and health group which carries out high quality clinical, epidemiological, basic and social science research that translates into improving the health of older people. Dr Patel’s research forms part of the sarcopenia, frailty and clinical practice in older people programme. His doctoral research was titled Life Course Influences on Skeletal Muscle Morphology, Mass and Function in Community Dwelling Older Men. The main focus of his work was elucidating mechanisms underlying the developmental origins of sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and function with age. His study involved the detailed characterisation of muscle mass as well as function, and also included the study of muscle at the cellular level in tissue obtained through percutaneous biopsy. His post-doctoral work is on nutrition, lifestyle, epigenetics and sarcopenia in older people in a study funded by the NIHR Nutrition Biomedical Research Centre, Southampton General Hospital in which he is the principal investigator.


  • Ibrahim K, May C, Patel HP, Baxter M, Sayer AA, Roberts HC. A feasibility study of implementing grip strength measurement into routine hospital practice: study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 2016. 2:27DOI: 10.1186/s40814-016-0067-x
  • Baczynska AM, Shaw S, Roberts H C, Cooper C, Aihie Sayer A, Patel HP Human Vastus LateralisSkeletal Muscle Biopsy Using the Weil-Blakesley Conchotome. J. Vis. Exp. (), e53075, doi:10.3791/53075 (2016). using-weil-blakesley
  • Patel HP et al. Skeletal muscle morphology in sarcopenia defined using the EWGSOP criteria: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS). BMC Geriatrics 2015.15:171. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-015-0171
  • Lewis A, Lee JY, Donaldson AV, Natanek SA, Vaidyanathan S, Man WD-C, Hopkinson NC, Sayer AA, Patel HP, Cooper C, Syddall HE, Polkey MI, Kemp PR. Increased expression of H19/miR-675 and altered methylation of the H19 Imprinting Control Region are associated with a low fat free mass index in patients with COPD. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 2015. In press.
  • Patel HP, Shanti N, Davies LC et al. Lean Mass, Muscle Strength and Gene Expression in Community Dwelling Older Men: Findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS). Calcif Tissue Int. 2014; 95(4) 308-316
  • Patel HP. Sarcopenia: A condition in need for identification in different health care settings. Editorial. Rev Clin Esp. 2014; 214 (6) 313-314
  • Edwards MH; Gregson CL; Patel HP; Jameson KA; Harvey NC; Sayer AA; Dennison EM; Cooper C; Muscle size, strength, and physical performance and their associations with bone structure in the Hertfordshire Cohort Study J Bone Miner Res 2013; 28: 2295 - 2304
  • Costello PM; Hollis LJ; Cripps RL; Bearpark N; Patel HP; Sayer AA; Cooper C; Hanson    MA; Ozanne SE; Green LR; Lower maternal body condition during pregnancy affects skeletal muscle structure and glut-4 protein levels but not glucose tolerance in mature adult sheep Reprod Sci 2013; 20: 1144 – 1155
  • Patel HP, Syddall HE et al. Prevalence of sarcopenia in community dwelling older people  in the UK using the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) definition: findings from the Hertfordshire Cohort Study (HCS). Age and Ageing 2013 42(3) 378-84.
  • Sayer AA, Robinson SM, Patel HP, Shavlakadze T, Cooper C, Grounds MD. New horizons in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of sarcopenia. Age and Ageing 2013 42(2) 145-150
  • Patel HP, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Percutaneous Muscle Biopsy: History, methods andacceptability. Muscle Biopsy, ISBN 978-953-308-59-6, 2012. [Epub].
  • Lim S, Patel HP. Paraneoplastic neurological syndromes in older people. CME Geriatric Medicine 2012; 14(2):83-93
  • Stevens PJ, Syddall HE, Patel HP, Martin HJ, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Is grip strength a good marker of physical performance among community dwelling older people? J Nutr Health Aging 2012;16(9):769-74.
  • Roberts HC, Denison HJ, Martin HJ, Patel HP, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Measuring grip strength in clinical and epidemiological studies: towards a standardised approach. Age and Ageing 2011 40(4): 423-9.
  • Patel HP, Syddall HE, Jameson KA Martin HJ, Stewart CE, Cooper C, Sayer AA. Developmental influences, muscle morphology and sarcopenia in community dwelling older men. Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012  67(1):82-87.
  • Patel HP, Syddall HE, Martin HJ, Cooper C, Stewart CE, Sayer AA. The feasibility and acceptability of muscle biopsy in epidemiological studies: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS). J Nutr Health Ageing. 2011;15(1):10-5.
  • Patel HP, Syddall HE, Martin HJ, Cooper C, Stewart CE, Sayer AA. Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study: design and methods, BMC Geriatrics 2010, 10:43.
  • Sayer AA, Stewart CE, Patel H, Cooper C. The developmental origins of sarcopenia: from epidemiological evidence to underlying mechanisms. J DOHAD. June 2010; 1(3) 150-157.
  • Sayer AA, Syddall HE, Martin HJ, Patel H, Baylis D, Cooper C. The Developmental Origins of Sarcopenia. J Nutr Health Aging. July 2008; 12(7):427-32.

Scientific abstracts

  • LA Lewis, N Malik, R Bartlett, HP Patel. Improving verbal communication between older adults with dementia, care givers and the inter-professional team within the hospital setting: a literature review and qualitative analysis. BGS Autumn Scientific Meeting, October 2015
  • LA Lewis, N Malik, Adams JH, HP Patel. Improved verbal communication between patients, their caregivers and the inter-professional team through a process of communication clinics: a feasibility study. BGS Autumn Scientific Meeting, October 2015
  • G L Hasnaoui, Walker M, C Cooper, AA Sayer, HC Roberts, HP Patel. Identification and quantification of morphological changes in skeletal muscle fibres of community dwelling older men: Findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study. BGS Autumn Scientific Meeting, October 2015
  • HGH James, C Cooper, AA Sayer, HC Roberts, HP Patel. Identification and quantification of satellite cells in skeletal muscle from community dwelling older men: findings from the Hertfordshire Sarcopenia Study (HSS). BGS Scientific meeting, November 2013. *prize nominee


You can call Dr Patel's secretary on 023 8120 4329 or email