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Mr Daniele Lorenzano


Training and education

  • Undergraduate training in medicine - University Hospital of Rome La Sapienza - Umberto I, 2001
  • Ophtalmology specialty training - University Hospital of Rome Tor Vergata, 2005
  • Oculoplastic surgery and ocular motility fellowship - Bristol Eye Hospital, 2010
  • Oculoplastic surgery and neuro-ophthalmology fellowship at UCL - Royal Free Hospital London, 2014
  • Orbital and oculoplastic fellowship and research adnexal fellowship - Moorfields Eye Hospital, 2015-2017


Mr Lorenzano is a consultant ophthalmologist who specialises in oculoplastic (eyelid and upper facial), orbital (eye socket) and lacrimal (tear duct) surgery. He joined the Trust in 2019, and has previously worked as a consultant at eye hospitals in Milan (Italy) and London.

He has also worked in the Republic of the Congo, where he worked with local healthcare teams treating patients with trachoma, an eye infection that can cause blindness, and other reconstructive diseases as part of the World Health Organization roster trachoma project.

Mr Lorenzano usually sees patients with abnormalities of the eyelid due to congenital disorders (conditions the patient is born with), cancerous conditions, facial paralysis and ageing conditions. He also treats orbital and eyelid disease linked to thyroid problems, as well as lacrimal conditions that need surgery using both endoscopic (minimally invasive) and conventional lacrimal surgery approaches. He has a special interest in eyelid and reconstructive surgery of the face both for functional, cancer and cosmetic restoration. 

Surgical procedures performed by Mr Lorenzano include:

  • treatment for ptosis (droopy upper eyelid)
  • correction of eyelid malpositions - ectropion (eyelids turning outwards) and entropion (eyelids turning inwards)
  • reconstructive surgery for patients who have had eyelid tumours
  • treatment for facial nerve palsy (loss of function of the facial nerve)
  • cosmetic eyelid surgery
  • eyebrow lift surgery
  • surgery to treat tear duct obstruction and watery eyes
  • treatment and surgical rehabilitation of thyroid eye disease
  • surgery to remove orbital tumours
  • surgeries to remove diseased eyes and fit prosthetic ones (enucleation, evisceration and orbital implants).
  • trauma surgeries for eyelids, lacrimal injuries and orbital fractures
  • management of orbital cellulitis (inflammation of eye tissues) and orbital abcess drainage.


Mr Lorenzano lives with his family and spends most of his free time practising sport and supporting humanitarian organisations as the St John Ophthalmic Association, for whom he stands at present as the honorary treasurer. 


Mr Lorenzano's main research interests are in conditions that affect the eyelids and eye sockets, including thyroid eye disease, facial dystonia and blepharospasm (muscle spasms and contractions in the face and around the eye).

He has published original articles, chapters and reviews in the fields of eyelid lacrimal and orbital disorders, as well as on reconstructive surgery of the face for functional, cancer and ageing restoration.


You can contact Mr Lorenzano via his secretary, Melody Islam - call 023 8120 4445/4761 or send an email.