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Mr Ali Nader-Sepahi

Mr Nader-Sepahi is a consultant spinal and neurosurgeon.

Training and education

Mr Nader-Sepahi trained in neurosurgery at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and the Royal London Hospital in London. He completed his fellowship in Cincinnati, USA along with a sabbatical in spinal surgery in Wisbaden, Germany. 


Mr Nader-Sepahi has been a consultant spinal and neurosurgeon at UHS since 2005. He leads the department’s multidisciplinary team meetings and the spinal service for treatment of pathologies affecting the spinal cord. His specialist interests include:

  • spinal cord tumours
  • nerve sheath tumours (tumours that develop in the protective linings of the nerves)
  • meningiomas (tumours that develop in the layers of tissue covering the brain and spinal cord)
  • arachnoid cysts (cysts located between the brain and spinal cord and the arachnoid membrane)
  • Chiari malformation (a condition where the lower part of the brain pushes down into the spinal canal)
  • syringomyelia (the development of a fluid-filled cyst in the spinal cord).

He has expertise in microsurgical techniques and routinely performs spinal decompression operations, fusions or disc replacements for conditions such as:

  • nerve root compression in the neck and lower
  • spinal cord compression
  • disc herniations (slipped discs) in the neck and lower back
  • lumbar spinal stenosis (the narrowing of the spinal canal)
  • cervical spine degenerative disease
  • trauma and fractures of the spine.


Mr Nader-Sepahi has published articles in his areas of sub-specialist interest and these can be accessed via Google search or PubMed.


You can contact Mr Nader-Sepahi via his secretary by emailing