Miss Sophie Pilkington
MD FRCS (Gen Surg)
Miss Pilkington is a consultant colorectal surgeon who joined the Trust in 2010. After qualifying at Oxford University in 1996, she carried out her postgraduate training in the Wessex region. Her research has focused on pelvic floor problems and she was awarded an MD thesis in 2011. Research and audit remain an important area of her work to ensure that she is able to offer a top quality service that's at the forefront of recent advances in surgery.
Miss Pilkington sees patients with many colorectal problems, but her main focus is pelvic floor disorders. She carries out sacral nerve stimulation and laparoscopic surgery for rectal prolapse. Pelvic floor ultrasound is a new technique for assessing the pelvic floor, and she has introduced this service to Southampton.
Dr Pilkington aims to provide clinical excellence within a friendly environment for people who have pelvic floor problems.