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Dr Victoria Elliot


Training and education

  • St Mary's Hospital Medical School London (Imperial College) 1995 to 2001
  • North West Thames, London Deanery SHO and SpR in histopathology until 2005
  • Wessex Deanery SpR in histopathology based at Salisbury and Southampton 2005 to 2011


Dr Elliot started working at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust in February 2011.

  • Locum consultant in cellular pathology from February 2011 to March 2012
  • Consultant in cellular pathology since March 2012

Key achievements

  • Proxime Accessit to London University gold medal
  • Honours in pathology, surgery and clinical pharmacology
  • ICI Pharmaceuticals prize
  • Highly distinguished in MBBS
  • BSc biomedical sciences first class honours


  • Elliot V, Shaw EC, Walker M, Jaynes E, Theaker M:
    Ovarian paraganglioma arising as a secondary neoplasm in mature cystic teratoma.
    International Journal of Gynecological Pathology
  • Elliot V, Bateman AC, Green B:
    The Endoscopically Normal Colon - when is mapping biopsy histopathologically justifiable?
    Frontline Gastroenterology, April 2012
  • Elliot V, Marin D, Novesh K et al:
    Total number of CD34+ cells per ten high power fields in bone marrow trephines of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia correlates with probability of complete cytogenetic response following imatinib treatment.
    Histopathology 2007, May.
  • Elliot V and Cook TC:
    Evolution of lesions over 10 years in a patient with SLE: flow chart approach to the new ISN/RPS classification of lupus rephritis.
    American Journal of Kidney Disease 2006, January.
  • Elliot V, Merin D, Naresh K et al:
    Percentage of CD34+ cells in a minimum 500 cell count in bone marrow trephines of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia provides the best correlation with aspirate blast count.
    British Journal of Haematology 2005, August.
  • V Elliot and AC Bateman:
    Understanding the Human Tissue Act 2004. Progress in Pathology. Kirkham N, Shepherd NA (Eds) Vol 7, Cambridge University Press 2007.