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Professor Mark Jones

BM(Hons) PhD MRCP(UK) 

Training and education

  • BSc Biomedical Sciences - University of Southampton, 2005
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Clinical and Medical Sciences - University of Southampton, 2006
  • MRCP - Royal College of Physicians, London, 2006
  • Wellcome Trust Clinical Training Fellowship, 2013-2016
  • PhD - University of Southampton, 2016
  • NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in Respiratory Medicine, 2017-2019
  • Specialist Certificate in Respiratory medicine and General Internal Medicine, 2019


Professor Jones joined the Trust in March 2019 as an honorary consultant in respiratory medicine. He is also an associate professor in respiratory medicine at the University of Southampton.

Professor Jones is the lead clinician for the multi-disciplinary interstitial lung disease service where he is currently developing new patient pathways for diagnosis and management of interstitial lung disease.


Professor Jones’ research is focused on fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. His work has led to the establishment of the Southampton Lung Fibrosis Group, a multidisciplinary group of investigators studying determinants of progressive fibrotic lung diseases with the aims of developing novel approaches to disease classification, prognostic stratification, and treatment.

To learn more about Professor Jones’ research, see his full profile at the University of Southampton website.


You can contact Professor Jones via his secretary Hayley King - call 023 8120 6228 or send an email.