Paediatric anaesthesia
Dr Butler trained at Birmingham University's medical school and then in anaesthetic departments in teaching hospitals around the United Kingdom and in Singapore, Melbourne and Michigan.
Dr Butler was appointed as a consultant anaesthetist in 1997 and provides anaesthesia for all types of neonatal and paediatric surgery. He also works in the adult anaesthesia sphere, especially for gynaecological surgery. He is the lead for novice anaesthetist training and education, clinical representative on the Trust ePrescribing committee and chairman of the Wessex association of children’s anaesthetists.
Dr Butler was awarded the Pask certificate of honour by the Association of Anaesthetists.
Research interests include applied physiology in anaesthesia, especially for preoxygenation.
You can contact Dr Butler via the admin team on adminanaes@uhs.nhs.uk. Alternatively, you can call them on 023 8120 6135.