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Associate Professor (Hon) Brian Birch

Associate Professor Birch is an adult urology surgeon with a sub-specialty interest in oncology, bladder dysfunction, prostate disease and men's sexual health.

BA, MA, MB, BChir, MD (Cantab), FRCS (Eng)


Training and education

  • Undergraduate: St Catharine’s College, Cambridge and King’s College Hospital, London
  • Postgraduate: King’s College, Bromley, Watford, High Wycombe, John Radcliffe and Eastbourne Hospitals. UCL and Institute of Urology, London and Southampton General Hospital


Associate Professor Birch has worked for the Trust since October 1990.

He has had extensive exposure to all aspects of adult urological surgery, including major surgery to the bladder, prostate and kidney. Associate Professor Birch has research experience to MD level, with ongoing urological research and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students. He is an honorary associate professor of urology.

Key achievements

  • Recognition of aggressive nature and poor outcomes of T1 G3 bladder cancer.
  • Involvement in setting up of MDR  (multiple drug resistence) research group and studies into MDR in bladder cancer.
  • Use of sedation reversal in local anaesthetic day-case surgery.
  • Research on inflammatory bladder disease.
  • Research into hypogonadism and cellular effects of testosterone on prostate cancer.

Awards and prizes

  • Scholarship, St Catharine's College Cambridge University
  • First class hons, Cambridge University, 1976
  • 1st Prize Final FRCS Revision Course, Royal College of Surgeons, 1985
  • McNeill Love Prize in Surgery, Whittington and Royal Northern Hospitals, 1989
  • Everidge Research Prize in Urology, King's College Hospital, 1989
  • Clifford Morson Prize, Institute of Urology, 1989
  • Best Paper, Urological Research Society meeting, 1990
  • Shackman Travelling Scholarship, 1990
  • BUF Preceptorship, 2008


  • The pT1 G3 Bladder Tumour. Birch, B R P and Harland S J. British Journal of Urology 1989; 64: 109-116.
  • Sedoanalgesia: A Safe, Cost Effective Alternative to General Anaesthesia - A Review of 1,020 Cases. Birch, B R P, Anson, K M, Gelister, J and Miller, R A. British Journal of Urology 1990; 66: 342-350.
  • The direct effect of nuclear pores on nuclear chemotherapeutic concentration in multidrug resistant bladder cancer: the nuclear sparing phenomenon. Lewin JM. Lwaleed BA. Cooper AJ. Birch BR. Journal of Urology. 2007; 177: 1526-1530.