What happens when I come in?
Clinic appointments
We work together to see you as quickly as possible, so you might see any member of the knee team at your outpatient appointment. We will decide the best way forward for you at this point.
You might need an x-ray before or after your appointment, to help us diagnose you and plan your treatment. Please make sure you arrive in good time before your appointment if this is required.
If you have any questions about your orthopaedic outpatient appointment, or need to cancel or rearrange it, please call 023 8082 5999.
Feedback on outcomes
As part of our work to improve the treatments we offer, we are always keen to monitor the outcome of your knee operation. Your surgeon might have asked you to fill in outcome questionnaires about your knee before and after the operation. You can download these here - please complete them when asked by your surgeon.
Total knee replacement (TKR) outcome questionnaires
- Knee health questionnaire EQ-5D
- Knee and osteoarthritis outcome score - OA
- Osteoarthritis knee - total knee replacement (Oxford score)
Patellofemoral joint surgery outcome questionnaires
Ligament reconstruction surgery outcome questionnaires
Please return questionnaires to:
Georgina Hallett
Extended scope practitioner physiotherapist
Physiotherapy department
B level, West Wing
Tremona Road
Southampton General Hospital
SO16 6YD