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Young adult clinic

In our young adult clinic we see young people aged 16 to 24 years. The service is run by Dr Davidson and Sarah Hartfree, paediatric rheumatology nurse specialist.

Our aim is for you to be involved with your care, know your diagnosis and take responsibility for managing your condition. During your appointments we'll focus on your condition and diagnosis, but we'll also discuss common topics for your age group, such as work, college, university and your social life. We'll also ask for some of your consultation to be without your parent or guardian, as this will help with your transition into our adult services.

Transition: moving from child to adult services

Moving from adolescence to adulthood is an exciting time. There is lots to learn and many changes that can impact on your disease management.

The transition process can start when you're as young as 11. We'll work with you to help you learn about your diagnosis, understand your medication and discuss issues openly with our team. At about 16 you'll move from our children's service to the young adult clinic.

We're very lucky that Dr Davidson and Sarah Hartfree will manage your care in both the child and young adult clinics, so the transition process is usually very smooth sailing.

More information

If you have any questions on transition or the young adult clinic, please contact Sarah Hartfree on 07760 158924