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Contact us

We provide diagnostic imaging services in several departments across the following sites:

  • Southampton General Hospital (SGH)
  • Royal South Hants Hospital (RSH)
  • Princess Anne Hospital (PAH)

Telephone numbers for individual patient and general enquiries

X-ray department (SGH) GP hotline (doctors only) 023 8120 4015
X-ray department (SGH) 023 8120 6079
Breast imaging unit (PAH) 023 8120 4959
Cardiothoracic radiology (SGH) appointments 023 8120 4833
Cardiac MR 023 8120 4833
Children's x-ray and ultrasound (SGH) appointments 023 8120 4191
Children's x-ray and ultrasound (SGH) enquiries 023 8120 4429
CT admin team (ENT/neuro/GA’s) (SGH and RSH) 023 8120 4833
CT admin team 023 8120 4081/6077
MRI admin team (SGH and RSH) 023 8120 6588
Neuro interventional radiology  
Nuclear medicine (SGH) 023 8120 6627
PACS office (copies of x-rays)

023 8120 4390

General ultrasound - adults (SGH)

023 8120 6079

Vascular ultrasound - adults (SGH)

023 8120 6079

Vascular DVT ultrasound - adults (SGH)

023 8120 5834

Ultrasound - children (SGH)

023 8120 4191

Ultrasound - pregnancy and gynae (PAH)

023 8120 6046

Radiology management offices

  • Clinical lead - Dr Charlotte Lane, clinical lead for radiology
  • Management lead - James Horsburgh, care group manager (radiology)
  • Radiography lead - Nicola Unwin, head of radiography
  • Radiology matron - Rachel Tagg
  • PA to radiology care group - 023 8120 6605