Contact us
Princess Anne Hospital
Please download the NHS healthier together app from the Apple app store, or the Google play store.
- Antenatal class information 023 8120 6052
- Antenatal clinic 023 8120 6016
- Antenatal screening team 023 8120 6027
- Early pregnancy unit 023 8120 8412
- Ultrasound scan department 023 8120 6046
Please download the NHS healthier together app from the Apple app store, or the Google play store.
- Lyndhurst ward 023 8120 6029
- Burley/Lyndhurst ward reception 023 8120 6731
- Burley ward 023 8120 6030
- Broadlands birth centre 023 8120 6012
- Birth reflections service 023 8120 6834
- Broadlands birth centre 023 8120 6012
New Forest Birth Centre
- General enquiries 023 8074 7690
Midwife and community services
As each midwife hub uses individual mobile numbers, all calls should be directed to the maternity self-referral team where people can be connected to designated midwives as required.
- Maternity self-referral team 023 8120 4871