Hepatology (liver)
Our clinics are led by consultants, specialist hepatology nurses, nurse practitioners and senior pharmacists, and we run telephone and face-to-face clinics.
General hepatology clinics run on a Monday and Thursday afternoon (2 to 5pm) on E level, West Wing.
The average waiting time to be reviewed in the general hepatology clinic is between 4 and 12 weeks.
Our unit has achieved IQILS accreditation. We are proud to have been rigorously evaluated and deemed to be providing a high quality service.
You will be referred to us if there is a concern regarding your liver or biliary system. We manage a range of conditions including cirrhosis, alcohol related liver disease, fatty liver disease, viral hepatitis, auto immune conditions, biliary conditions and hepatocellular carcinoma.
You may be referred to us directly from your GP, or from the community-based liver services.
We are a regional referral unit for complex liver disease, and see patients from the Wessex area, Guernsey and Jersey, the Channel Islands and the Falklands.
We also work closely with the transplant centre at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, and hold a monthly satellite clinic. This means we can monitor you closely, before and after your transplant, allowing you to stay closer to home.
As a teaching hospital, we are proud to lead and be part of national and international clinical trials. We hope all our patients can access these studies and you may be approached to take part.
Follow the UHS liver team on Twitter @UHS_LiverTeam.