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Breast screening

Southampton and Salisbury breast screening service

Women aged between 50 and 71 and registered with a GP are invited for free NHS breast screening every 3 years as part of the NHS breast screening programme. Women aged 71 or over will not automatically receive an invitation for screening, but can self refer for a screening appointment. Find out more about breast screening.

Breast screening aims to find breast cancers at an early stage, when they are too small to see or feel, using an x-ray test called a mammogram to check the breasts for signs of cancer.

Southampton and Salisbury breast screening service currently provide breast screening for over 100,000 women registered across 60 GP practices.

Our screening locations - find your closest screening location

Our screening schedule - find out when we are screening your GP practice

Contact us

Your choice

It is your choice whether to have breast screening or not.

More information about the benefits and risks of breast screening is available here in a number of languages: NHS Breast Screening Programme: Helping You Decide.

If you have any questions about what breast screening involves, please contact us.