Haemophilia and bleeding disorders
Our haemophilia comprehensive care centre offers support, treatment and advice to patients and families affected by haemophilia and other bleeding disorders. We work with inpatients, outpatients and emergency cases, and treat people of all ages.
We're an open access walk-in facility, providing services in accordance with the guidelines set by the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors' Organisation (UKHCDO).
The centre offers training and educational equipment to teach parents, carers and patients to administer medication. Educational leaflets and literature on a range of bleeding disorders are also available.
Supporting the centre is a dedicated laboratory service which offers a range of tests which help the haemophilia team to diagnose bleeding disorders.
We are always open to suggestions of ways to improve our centre. If you have any, please contact us using the details below.
Where to find us
We're located on C level of Southampton General Hospital. Please come in through the main entrance, continue through the double doors to children's outpatients (between M&S and Subway), and you will find us on your right.
We have one allocated parking space for patients who need to come in for emergency treatment. The space is outside the IDU department, which is near the main hospital entrance, opposite the disabled parking bay (car park number 2). For directions to the car parking space please see the map here.
This space is free of charge. Before coming in please call the haemophilia nurse specialist on the telephone number below, so they can give you a parking permit when you arrive.
In addition, patients with severe haemophilia may be entitled to a blue badge for disabled parking. Find out how to apply for a blue badge.
Contact us
For enquires during office hours (8.30am to 4.30pm) please call 023 8120 4047.
For emergency enquires out of hours please call 023 8077 7222 and ask for the haematology registrar on-call, who will give you further instructions.
For all other enquires please email Claire.Gray2@uhs.nhs.uk
Haemophilia comprehensive care centre
Mailpoint 8
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Tremona Road
Southampton, SO16 6YD