UHS Digital
UHS Digital is the award-winning informatics department at University Hospital Southampton.
The informatics department look after many areas of digital technology at the Trust. They develop the clinical and administration systems.
Patient records are kept in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) which has information about patients' healthcare – from doctor’s notes, to treatment history, hospital appointments and blood tests, all kept in one place.
The informatics team look after the patient administration system which is used for booking appointments and any procedures you may need, such as surgery.
The IT infrastructure including the computers and networks is also maintained by the informatics team.
The goal of the informatics department is to support patient care by working with all the clinical teams. We listen to their ideas about what they need so they can help care for patients. This puts patients at the heart of our digital systems.
UHS Digital projects

Awards and nominations for UHS Digital
HSJ connecting services and information award 2020
digiRounds the Mobile Electronic Patient Health Record for Clinicians
Finalist 2019
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2019
Best Health Tech Solution for Patient Safety
Finalist 2019
HTN Award Winner 2019
#healthtechtoshoutabout My Medical Record