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Rest of England and Wales governors

Meet our governors who represent the rest of England and Wales constituency

Rest of England and Wales

  • Quintin van Wyk
    Quintin van Wyk

    I am an experienced physician, manager and leader with a broad set of skills across the public and private sector. Having worked as a physician in the NHS, as well as a senior leader in the pharmaceutical service sector, I bring around 25 years of experience to my role as governor. I have an insatiable drive for efficiency without compromise to quality and outcome for all stakeholders including personnel, service users and vendors. I question wastage and inefficiency and am meticulous in everything I do. I look to apply my experience in overseeing financial performance of highly profitable business units to my position on the council of governors. I look forward to contributing to a well-run organisation that strives for constant improvement.

    Declaration of Interests: None.

  • Brian Lovell
    Brian Lovell

    I became a member of the UHS Trust after participating in the Covid booster jab trial, before which I was a volunteer Covid vaccinator for St John Ambulance.

    Previously I spent 40 years in international banking risk management, including many in senior management, giving me lots of experience dealing with senior management and board members - important qualities for a Trust Governor.

    I am financially literate, used to developing and managing budgets, as well running my own team, so I believe I am well-equipped to contribute to strategic thinking at the Trust. I am a good listener and communicator, having taken feedback from staff and around my organisation and translated that into actions, meaning I can be effective at communicating feedback from Trust members.

    As a relative outsider to the health sector, I should be able to contribute some ‘alternative’ thinking to the Governor role and will help wherever I can.

    Declaration of Interests:  None