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Information for health professionals

Southampton Primary Care liver pathway

Hepatitis C operational delivery networks (ODN) are the structures that deliver hepatitis C treatment in England.

  • We are part of the Wessex hepatitis C ODN
  • Lead provider - University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Partner organisations - Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
  • Geography covered - Dorset, Hampshire and IOW, South, Wiltshire

Community fibroscan service

GPs can refer to the community fibroscan service, using this referral form (below).

Useful links for health professionals

  • British Association for the Study of the Liver
    Dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of the biology and pathology of the liver for the optimal care of patients.
  • HCC-UK
    Professionals interested in improving outcomes for the increasing numbers of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Improving Quality in Liver Services
    A Royal College of Physicians programme, aiming to improve the quality of medical liver services throughout the UK.